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Welcome to absurdocracy

The absurdocracy could be defined as a new system of organization of the State in which good sense, reasoning and the precautionary principle in its policies, have been in the background overshadowed by a declaration of the Pandemic in 2020 by the WHO, which is used as an excuse to restrict / eliminate the rights of citizens at the same time that it allows the elaboration of new laws with which it is intended to perpetuate this situation of continuous Pandemic.

The absurdocracy begins when countries receive protocols drawn up by the WHO and apply them as if they were a dogmatic salvation brought by the gods, ceasing to apply their own scientific knowledge, ethics, deontology, critical thinking and verification effectively and clinic of those protocols acquired as their own. Suddenly almost all health workers stop having a logical task of control and care of their patients to become practically mere machines that follow the protocols regardless of their logic and result, or the evidence that can be interpreted from their application.

Nor is it absurd that autopsies should be carried out on the corpses so that it is possible to learn how the virus itself acts in order to continue studying it and to be able to act more effectively and efficiently against the damage it may cause.

The absurdocracy lacks memory and does not remember that it was the WHO itself in 2009, which changed the criteria to declare a Pandemic, just before influenza A. Due to these changes, a great mortality is not required but a great contagiousness to declare a Pandemic. This is perfectly explained by Mr. Iñaki Gabilondo in this video of the Cuatro news dated January 7, 2010. (You can put automatic translation of subtitles  for your language).

Nor is it remembered in absurdocracy how influenza A ended, with people affected by the star treatment of the moment and large legal claims and investigations for what happened. It seems that little was investigated.

It is also common in absurdocracy to buy wills through economic rewards or "aid" to certain sectors that are considered critical, such as the media sector. The absurd perception that by receiving "aid", these media are renouncing their informational independence and therefore denying the right to truthful information, is not relevant.

Something similar happens with hospitals and certain health workers, rewards for PCRs carried out, for admissions of covid patients in the ward, for admissions to the ICU ... The logic would say that if you put financial rewards you are encouraging a greater number of Covid patients to be produced, whether they really are or not.

The absurdocracy does not understand that qualifying a medical device as “the best we have” does not mean that this product meets the needs for which it is being used. The great variability of results that a PCR gives is ignored and that these not only will give more positives the more they are carried out, but the result is also manipulable according to the number of cycles to which they are carried out. This is reflected in the following WHO
statement dated January 20, 2021 in which it requests users to perform a PCR, who should carefully read the user manual to determine if it is necessary to manually adjust the threshold. of positivity of the PCR, that is to say the cycles (Ct) of the PCR.

This note as we say of January 20, 2021, means that since the PCR test protocol was established in May 2020, it would not have been being applied completely correctly, and it has probably helped this, the juicy rewards to hospitals and health workers discussed above. Therefore, PCR tests have been carried out for 7-8 months with a dubious number of cycles, and therefore with dubious objectivity as data in itself.

It is curious that this change has been made, once the vaccination had already begun, before it, this way of doing PCRs was in favor of creating many cases and COVID deaths to create fear in the population. After the vaccination, it seems that it does not interest the vaccinated to give PCR + for which, presumably, the aforementioned note is issued by the WHO.

Therefore, the validity of these data is certainly subjective. And practically everything or almost everything is based on or affected by this test (cases, outbreaks, incidence, COVID deaths, graphs, statistics, etc.).

In absurdocracy, by means of this "manipulable" test method, a "new normal" is being built without really caring about anything, without really knowing if the virus has a natural origin, or if it could have come out of a laboratory by mistake or intentionally . Without waiting for the WHO to return to China to finish its investigation, almost 2 years after the Wuhan event (…), as reflected in the following CNN news dated 07/22/2021.

In absurdity, cementing a solution without finally having all the data to assess the situation as a whole is "what must be done." There is no possibility that it could be an excuse or an intentional error to precisely take advantage of this period of confusion and apply measures to reduce rights and freedoms, civilly or criminally, whether they work or not, whether there are collateral losses or not.

It is not clearly perceived, in absurdocracy, that for a politician a dangerous new pandemic is an opportunity to do and undo at will, since whatever he does, he has a good excuse regardless of what happens. Example: Due to a very dangerous pandemic, you can put some restrictive rights measures almost to the limit. If few people die, it will be because of the blessing of their measures. If many people die, he will say that he should not have doubted and put those limit measures that he did not put. It is a win-win for the politician, whatever happens. 

The absurdocracy obviates the possible conflicts of interest that exist or may exist in favor of the desired end. Undoubtedly in absurdocracy, the end does justify the means.

It is conceived as normal for vaccine producers to finance WHO, and for WHO to recommend their vaccines, and even urge governments to coerce their citizens to inoculate themselves with all kinds of threats.

The absurdocracy sees it as normal for a leader to work in a pharmaceutical lobby to later become President of the regulatory agency, or vice versa.

Obviously, the absurdocracy does not admit free and intelligent scientific debate, the protocol dogma would collapse so it is necessary to censor and ridicule the voices that do not agree with the official version.

Nor is it allowed in absurdocracy to question how the Flu may have disappeared, which had been with us since the times of Hippocrates, just when Covid-19 arrived.

In absurdocracy, people who have put all the approved vaccines and who really are safe provaccines are described as deniers or anti-vaccines.

In absudocracy, those in favor of inoculating unapproved experimental vaccines, only authorized for emergency use, are classified as provaccines.

In absurdocracy, vaccines are authorized for emergency use, but they do not allow us to wait until that emergency arrives to use them. They must be applied preventively in a generalized way, although the probability of suffering from the disease in a serious way is negligible, although they are experimental and their safety in the medium-long term is totally unknown.

It is also allowed in absurdity that pharmaceutical companies can prepare inoculations and test them in the population without fear of suffering any legal claim for the adverse effects that they may cause to those inoculated.

In absurdocracy, it is normally seen that the placebo group itself used to test the experimental vaccines, has also been subsequently inoculated, so that a follow-up in the medium and long term of the test for which the use of emergency.

In absurdocracy, it goes from alarming for each older deceased in 2020, to normalizing death in 2021 as something "natural" in older people.

In absurdocracy, nobody is responsible for anything, and it is normal. The emergency means that the new protocols do not need responsible or signatures, since after all, people do what they are told.

Simply in absurdocracy, “vaccines” are believed by the fact that they are called “vaccines”, without proving their need, safety or efficacy. From the fact that the manufacturer is not responsible for the possible adverse effects of the inoculation, and the secrecy about its components does not lead to any possible conclusion to the majority of the population.

It is not absurdly perceived that the increase in mortality in 2020 was due in part to inattention to patients, accustomed to close medical care, both in moments of initial panic and later with the telephone consultation service.

If we supposedly save some from covid but through this "new normal" many more other causes die, does all this really make sense? In an absurdocracy, yes.

This news from eleconomista.es dated July 17, 2020 reflects what we are trying to convey. 

And this seems like it could be applied to other countries, as reflected in the following news from BBC.com dated February 23, 2021.

Regardless of deaths or adverse reactions, in absurdocracy there is total complacency with "vaccines" even if they have not stopped deaths in a verifiable way. In fact, the percentages of protection between 67 and 95% with which its use was promoted turned out to be a percentage of Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) that refers to the ability of the product to reduce / reduce moderate or mild symptoms of the illness. However, no other useful parameters were reported to understand the efficacy and real protection of the product, such as the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) that refers to the ability of the product to prevent the spread of the disease with results between 0.84 and 1.3%. The NNV was also not reported: number of people who need to be vaccinated to prevent a single moderate or mild case of Covid; for this parameter the data ranges between 78 and 119 people. These data are interesting to understand without bias the efficacy and real protection of a vaccine, according to the following article in The Lancent dated April 20, 2021. 

The absurdocracy focuses only on the Covid, when it is a small part of the problems of each country. It seems that nothing else matters, not suicides, not cancer, not the lack of face-to-face and adequate health care, not the mistrust that the health system currently generates and for which many people are stopping going to it, except for maximum urgency gravity. 

What to say about the economy at street level in absurdocracy, the silent open war against SMEs and professionals continues with the excuse of Covid. If shops are not closed due to "outbreaks", capacity is reduced or the request is made for segregation measures for health reasons. Whatever it takes to prevent them from recovering the losses they have sustained since the beginning of the Pandemic; This is those that have not yet gone bankrupt, because there are already many business corpses on the road.

It is seen with almost total naturalness in absurdocracy that the year begins mourning the death of tens of thousands of elderly people and ends with the approval of an express Euthanasia Law.

In the same way, at a time when SMEs and professionals are having a worse time, it is raising the minimum wage for workers. At this time, these policies can cause more unemployment and more closure of companies and professionals, but this in absurdity is not perceived as possible.

In absurdocracy, concepts that were almost sacred in pre-pandemic democracy such as "Legal Security" are not remembered: those clear norms and secure legal frameworks for companies, professionals and consumers. In absurdocracy it is normalized that according to the criteria of the moment, you can stop being a normal company / professional to become an "essential" or "non-essential" service. The right to work is secondary in absurdocracy.

In absurdocracy, it is not aware of the precedent that it supposes on the development of business ventures in the hands of SMEs and freelancers in the medium and long term, as well as for the consumer confidence, that the right to work has been denied, among others, in a specific but continuous situation over time, and that instead of learning to cope better in case it happens again without having to restrict the right to work or any other, legislation is being legislated to be able to do it without so much formality. Absurdocracy in its purest form ...

In absurdocracy, everything is subordinated to the state and the common good, it is as if the state of coup had become totalitarian and wanted only to let SMEs and freelancers grow in its shadow, not in complete freedom of the market and competition, not in complete legal freedom and business. This also affects consumers, who will see the number of product and service providers available to them progressively reduced.

Inherent to an absurdocracy is that when it is necessary to position to investigate the deaths in residences of the year 2020 during the Pandemic, politicians slip away quietly, as reflected in the following news:

In this
news from the newspaper elmundo.es dated July 9, 2020, rejecting the Extremadura parliament (governed by the PSOE) the investigation of the residences.

In this
news from europapress.es dated September 25, 2020, rejecting the Andalusian parliament (governed by the PP) the investigation of the residences.

 And as of July 16, 2021, this
news from the newspaper publico.es shows us that we are still the same, sadly no one seems to be interested in the investigation of the deaths of our elders in residences.

The absurdocracy makes it possible to give the "double thinking" of the 1984 novel. Our politicians are very concerned about deaths in residences, while they refuse to want to investigate them again and again. The public prosecutor's office, something is heard doing, but without haste, it should not take priority and make no mistake, it lacks credibility. The Ombudsman ... something sure he is doing but not this, that is known.

There should be some other mechanism to urge to investigate what is evident that must be investigated, regardless of the policy, since they are involved. Investigating what happened in all residences is essential so that citizens can receive an explanation. We have the right to know in detail what has happened in this dark period of history, which also wants to perpetuate itself. And specifically in residences, since something has the Covid that roams at ease for them with a terribly higher probability of death than that of their peers who live at home and who also have previous pathologies.

The absurdocracy perceives with surprising normality that the death of our elders is being used to change everything for which they themselves fought and sacrificed. In order to pay them a minimum of respect, it would really be necessary to investigate, learn from what has failed and purify responsibilities at all levels in order to resume the old normality as it was taken from them. Obviously it would not be the same, because what has happened will not be forgotten, but perhaps in this way this process of regaining confidence will be somewhat shortened and thus avoid the collapse to which it seems, they are trying to lead us.

In an absurdocracy, it is as if the state itself is the one that is ill, suffers from depression or mental derangement and does not believe its own constitutional rights, nor the hierarchy of its regulations and laws. The worst thing is that instead of swallowing his depression and moving forward, he pours his frustration on people in the form of ongoing fear and emotional abuse. It is considered in absurdocracy that the way to do politics is to continue creating fear in order to continue doing and undoing ... taking advantage while it lasts! This seems the political slogan, and unfortunately the sanitary one too.

Well, absurdocracy will last as long as it has to last, but sooner or later good sense, reasoning and the precautionary principle will prevail and many will have to give an account of everything that happened in this Pandemic. For their actions and statements, even for their inactions, if it was up to them to do so.

Finally, we leave you with a video of an interview from 2013 in which Mr. Ildefonso Hernández, former general director of public health during the Zapatero government, spoke about relations with pharmaceutical companies and in the specific case that occurred during the Flu A. It has no waste.
(You can put automatic translation of subtitles for your language).

I suppose that D. Ildefonso Hernández, as a result of the events that we have experienced in the last year and a half, will be clear that the pharmaceutical companies did NOT score a goal for them. Our thanks to this good man, for the frankness of his words. Today they understand each other much better.

What is undoubtedly that we are seeing that this endless Pandemic brings with it and this "new normal" that accompanies it, is a HUGE conflict of interests created and to be created; and those chosen for its payment, not only economic and without prior consultation, we are the citizens. Welcome to the absurdocracy ...

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Por CTA Street Wear 03 sept, 2021
La absurdocracia se podría definir como un nuevo sistema de organización del Estado en el cual la sensatez, el raciocinio y el principio de precaución en sus políticas, han quedado en segundo plano eclipsados por una declaración de la Pandemia en 2020 por parte de la OMS, y que es utilizada como excusa para restringir/eliminar derechos de los ciudadanos a la vez que permite elaborar nuevas leyes con las que se pretende perpetuar esta situación de continua Pandemia.
Por CTA Street Wear 12 ago, 2021
We have set out to test the Ubuntu operating system, based on Linux, a little fed up with the continuous mandatory updates at the worst times and attracted by the security offered by an s.o. that hardly has a virus because it is less widespread among the average user.
Por CTA Street Wear 11 ago, 2021
Nos hemos propuesto probar el sistema operativo Ubuntu, en base Linux, un poco hartos de las continuas actualizaciones obligatorias en los peores momentos y atraídos por la seguridad que ofrece un s.o. que apenas tiene virus por ser menos generalizado entre el usuario medio.
Por CTA Street Wear 16 mar, 2021
Countries analyzed: Spain, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Lithuania, Portugal, USA, Mexico, Russia, Canada, Japan, Chile, Australia.
Por CTA Street Wear 16 mar, 2021
Países analizados: España, Alemania, Italia, Reino Unido, Francia, Suecia, Noruega, Finlandia, Lituania, Portugal, EE.UU., México, Rusia, Canadá, Japón, Chile, Australia.
Por CTA Street Wear 06 mar, 2021
Countries analyzed: Spain, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Lithuania, Portugal, USA, Mexico, Russia, Canada, Japan, Chile, Australia.
Por CTA Street Wear 05 mar, 2021
Países analizados: España, Alemania, Italia, Reino Unido, Francia, Suecia, Noruega, Finlandia, Lituania, Portugal, EE.UU., México, Rusia, Canadá, Japón, Chile, Australia.
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