About us


About us

The Critical Thinking Attitude street wear brand was born this year 2020, as the creative product resulting from the various situations experienced during this first pandemic year, in which it has been shown that the rights, freedoms and services that we believed achieved and consolidated are reeling from the arrival of a new virus, as if it were a Trojan horse for democracies and our rights.

During this time, we have had, and continue having, moments of gratitude and recognition, as well as moments of sadness, anger, criticism or vindications. We believe that an authentic attitude of critical thinking is necessary in this society. With these first designs we try to convey these opinions and feelings. We hope you like them, that your experiences are part of it, and when you see them in a few years, you will remember them fondly.

We send you a big hug and a lot of encouragement! We will come out of this guided by critical thinking and by the heart, why? because we have empathy with each other, because we care about the future of the planet and the next generations. Because we have a sense of justice and respect. We are citizens of the world, we recognize ourselves as diverse but essentially equal, we are ultimately human beings who need real contact and communication. Is a life without smiles worth it? Well, don't take it away, it's up to you.

We want to thank all the people who have contributed directly or indirectly to this project, especially all those who provide programs (free and open source software) and free online content or free use, without requiring anything in return. We refer to natural and legal persons that in a truly disinterested way offer online resources so that third parties can develop their creativity, learn, or obtain information, which has repercussions in a more just, equal world and with more options for everybody.

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